Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member Job in Wales

Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member Job in Wales. Apply for the latest Wales jobs in Accounting/Financial/Insurance.

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Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member Job in Wales

Job Description
Aelod Annibynnol o'r Pwyllgor Archwilio a Risg

Amdanom ni

Yn Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, rydym yn darparu arweinyddiaeth genedlaethol ac arbenigedd mewn gofal cymdeithasol a blynyddoedd cynnar yng Nghymru.

Ein gweledigaeth yw gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i ofal a chymorth i blant, oedolion a’u teuluoedd a’u gofalwyr.

I wneud hyn, rydym yn arwain ar ddatblygu a rheoleiddio’r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol, gwella gwasanaethau, data ac ymchwil i wella gofal.

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn chwilio am Aelod Annibynnol i ymuno â’n Pwyllgor Archwilio a Risg, un o’r pileri ategol o ran sut mae ein sefydliad yn cael ei redeg. Disgwylir i Aelodau Annibynnol dreulio hyd at wyth diwrnod y flwyddyn ar faterion Pwyllgor, gan amlaf yn cynnwys pedwar cyfarfod Pwyllgor a phedwar cyfarfod ad hoc. Bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus yn cael eu penodi i'r Pwyllgor am hyd at ddwy flynedd, gyda'r posibilrwydd o estyniad pellach o ddwy flynedd yn amodol ar berfformiad boddhaol.

Y Manteision

– Cyfradd ddyddiol o £282 (gros)

Y Rôl

Fel Aelod Annibynnol o’r Pwyllgor Archwilio a Risg, byddwch yn rhoi arweiniad i’r Bwrdd ar reoli risg, llywodraethu a rheolaeth fewnol. Bydd y rôl hon yn canolbwyntio ar elfennau arweiniol ariannol.

Wrth adolygu ac ystyried ein prosesau mewnol a’n prosesau gwneud penderfyniadau, byddwch yn adrodd i’r Bwrdd ac yn sicrhau bod rheolaethau mewnol digonol ar waith, bod risgiau’n cael eu nodi a’u lliniaru a bod ein llywodraethu yn bodloni safonau arfer gorau.

Byddwch yn rhoi cyngor i’r Bwrdd i sicrhau bod gennym y gweithdrefnau a’r systemau priodol ar waith i sicrhau’r economi, effeithlonrwydd ac effeithiolrwydd mwyaf posibl.

Yn ogystal, byddwch yn craffu’n annibynnol ar fentrau newydd a newidiadau polisi, gan godi unrhyw bryderon i’r Bwrdd.

Amdanoch Chi

I gael eich ystyried yn Aelod Annibynnol o’r Pwyllgor Archwilio a Risg, bydd angen y canlynol arnoch:

– Profiad sylweddol, perthnasol a diweddar mewn rheolaeth ariannol ar lefel uwch
– Profiad o fonitro a dwyn Uwch Reolwyr i gyfrif
– Sgil ac arbenigedd mewn archwilio, rheoli risg a llywodraethu corfforaethol
– Y gallu i ddarparu cymorth a her adeiladol sy'n cydbwyso archwaeth risg ag atebion blaengar i faterion a wynebir gan y sector
– Sgiliau dadansoddol datblygedig iawn
– Gradd neu addysg bellach neu gymhwyster proffesiynol perthnasol mewn cyfrifeg, cyllid, rheoli risg, rheoli busnes neu archwilio mewnol / cymhwyster cyfrifeg proffesiynol cydnabyddedig gan Bwyllgor Ymgynghorol Cyrff Cyfrifeg (CCAB).

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer y rôl hon yw 30 Hydref 2022.

Gall sefydliadau eraill alw'r rôl hon yn Aelod Pwyllgor, Ymddiriedolwr, Cynrychiolydd Annibynnol, neu Archwilydd.

Felly, os oes gennych ddiddordeb yn y cyfle eithriadol hwn fel Aelod Annibynnol o’r Pwyllgor Archwilio a Risg, gwnewch gais drwy’r botwm a ddangosir. Mae'r swydd wag hon yn cael ei hysbysebu gan Webrecruit. Mae'r gwasanaethau a hysbysebir gan Webrecruit yn rhai Asiantaeth Gyflogaeth.

Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member

About Us

At Social Care Wales, we provide national leadership and expertise in social care and early years in Wales.

Our vision is to make a positive difference to care and support for children, adults and their families and carers.

To do this, we lead on developing and regulating the social care workforce, service improvement, data and research to improve care.

We are currently seeking an Independent Member to join our Audit and Risk Committee, one of the supporting pillars of how our organisation is run. Independent Members are expected to spend up to eight days per year on Committee matters, typically consisting of four Committee meetings plus four ad hoc meetings. Successful applicants will be appointed to the Committee for up to two years, with the possibility of a further two-year extension subject to satisfactory performance.

The Benefits

– A daily rate of £282 (gross) 

The Role

As an Independent Member of the Audit and Risk Committee, you will provide the Board with guidance on risk management, governance and internal control. This role will focus on financial lead elements. 

Reviewing and considering our internal processes and decision-making, you’ll report to the Board and ensure that adequate internal controls are in place, that risks are identified and mitigated and that our governance meets best practice standards.

You’ll provide advice to the Board to ensure we have the appropriate procedures and systems in place to maximise economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Additionally, you’ll independently scrutinise new initiatives and policy changes, raising any concerns to the Board.

About You

To be considered as an Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member, you will need:

– Significant, relevant and recent financial management experience at a senior level
– Experience of monitoring and holding Senior Management to account
– Skill and expertise in audit, risk management and corporate governance
– The ability to provide support and constructive challenge that balances risk appetite with progressive solutions to issues faced by the sector
– Highly developed analytical skills
– A Degree or relevant further education or professional qualification in accountancy, finance, risk management, business management or internal audit / a Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB) recognised professional accountancy qualification

The closing date for this role is 30th October 2022.

Other organisations may call this role Committee Member, Trustee, Independent Representative, or Auditor.

So, if you’re interested in this exceptional opportunity as an Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member, please apply via the button shown. This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The services advertised by Webrecruit are those of an Employment Agency
Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member
Job Type: Contract, Part Time, Part Time
Location: Wales
Category: Accounting/Financial/Insurance
City: Cardiff
County: South Glamorgan
Country: United Kingdom
Salary: £282/day

Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member Job in Wales

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